How To Find The Simillimum With Boger-boenninghausen's Repertory di Bhanu D Desai edito da B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd

How To Find The Simillimum With Boger-boenninghausen's Repertory





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Libro How To Find The Simillimum With Boger-boenninghausen's Repertory di Bhanu D Desai

Trama libro

Of the Repertories in the hands of the profession today, the "Boger is the subject of this little booklet. It is unfortunate that though it is second to none in its practical utility, it appears to have been comparatively neglected. The aim of this book is to provide an impetus to a wider circle for Homoeopaths to discover for themselves its immense value as an unfailing aid in finding the simillimum. A detailed description of the structure, organization and practical use of the repertory, including points of comparison with Kent's repertory, repertorisation examples for sample cases and rubric cross references. The book also briefs about the need for BBCR repertory. A few comments on each chapter such as Mind -- Location, Parts of the body and organs -- Sleep and Dreams -- Fever, Chill, Heat, Sweet, Circulation; have been added for better understanding of the work.

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€ 15,18

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