The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide di Martin Winstone edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide

An Historical Guide





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Libro The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide di Martin Winstone

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The Holocaust - the murder of approximately six million Jewish men, women and children by Nazi Germany and its collaborators in the Second World War - was a crime of unprecedented and unparalleled proportions, perpetrated in innumerable locations across the European continent. Now in its third edition, The Holocaust Sites of Europe is the most comprehensive and accessible guide to these sites, serving as both a work of historical reference and a practical resource for visitors to them today. It includes all major Holocaust sites in Europe, covering more than 20 countries and encompassing not only iconic locations such as Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen, but also lesser known yet similarly significant sites like Maly Trostenets and Sajmiste. It addresses extermination, forced labour and concentration camps, massacre sites, and cities which were homes to major Jewish populations and - often - ghettos, as well as Nazi 'euthanasia' centres and locations associated with the genocide of Roma and Sinti. In so doing, the book also covers the many museums and memorials which commemorate the Holocaust. This new edition has been fully updated to reflect developments which have affected sites in the 2010s and 2020s, ranging from the establishment of new museums to growing threats from climate change and state-sponsored distortion of history. The Holocaust Sites of Europe is thus an indispensable and sensitive guide to both the history and the modern reality of the most traumatic sites in European history.

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