A Handbook On Counseling African American Women edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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A Handbook On Counseling African American Women

Psychological Symptoms, Treatments, And Case Studies





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Libro A Handbook On Counseling African American Women

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WINNER of the 2023 Association for Women in Psychology Distinguished Publication AwardThrough an intersectional and inclusive lens, this book provides mental health professionals with a detailed overview of the mental health issues that Black women face as well as the best approach to culturally competent psychological practice.This handbook provides a historical context of how the lived experiences of Black women contribute to mental wellness, identifies effective psychological practices, and challenges readers to advance their cultural competence while providing culturally affirming care. With an eye toward inclusivity of sexual orientation and gender identity, it honors the diversity within Black women's identities, relationships, roles, and families.Written by an expert team of Black women clinicians, researchers, and medical professionals, A Handbook on Counseling African American Women addresses current sociopolitical events as well as historical trauma as it prepares readers to meet the needs of the Black women they serve.

€ 21,85 € 23,00
Risparmi: € 1,15 (5%)
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
Normalmente disponibile in 5-6 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a € 2,90 20-24 febbraio
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