Guatemala. A cruisers' guide to Rio Dulce di Lilia Hartmann, Roberto Trapani edito da Edizioni Il Frangente
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Guatemala. A cruisers' guide to Rio Dulce

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Libro Guatemala. A cruisers' guide to Rio Dulce di Lilia Hartmann, Roberto Trapani

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Rio Dulce nestles at the heart of the northwest Caribbean and is much more than just a safe haven for your boat during the hurricane season. From there, you can set off on a voyage of discovery and explore waters that are as yet unspoilt by the nautical tourism industry, which has taken hold of much of the Caribbean. Armed with a spirit of adventure, you will find sailing these seas highly rewarding, as you can explore stunning locations, experience local cultures, and share your journey and adventures with fellow cruisers. You can also moor your boat on Rio Dulce and set off to discover Guatemala's fascinating history, archaeological sites and breath-taking natural beauty. Rio Dulce is an eclectic world where friendly locals live and work side-by-side with a community of international cruisers: some come for a short stay or a season; others arrive and stay for life. This guide aims to reawaken cruisers' interest in this relatively unknown, yet enchanting part of the world. It combines nautical information with the personal experience of the authors, who sailed to Rio Dulce almost by chance, but were immediately bowled over by its beauty.

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