Graphic design for restaurants. A selection of contemporary restaurants designs. Ediz. illustrata edito da LetteraVentidue
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Graphic design for restaurants. A selection of contemporary restaurants designs. Ediz. illustrata

Data di Pubblicazione:
28 aprile 2022




Industrie dei servizi
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Libro Graphic design for restaurants. A selection of contemporary restaurants designs. Ediz. illustrata

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A selection of the most interesting graphic projects for hospitality businesses of different sizes, from all over the world. Covering some of the most varied approaches to graphic design, from the photographic to the minimal, from line drawing to digital textures, from the artisan to the serial imprint. This selection does not pretend to be exhaustive, but tries to offer a glimpse into recent graphical productions.

€ 18,90 € 19,90
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Consegna a € 2,90 27 febbraio-3 marzo
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