God in Post-Christianity di Lenart Skof edito da State University of New York Press
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God in Post-Christianity

An Elemental Philosophical Theology



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Libro God in Post-Christianity di Lenart Skof

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God in Post-Christianity combines Eastern and Western influences into a dazzling survey of the contemporary theological landscape. Reading "the age of the Spirit" as "the age of the Breath," the book argues for a material, elemental, and sensory theology of God following the death of the ontotheological God of metaphysics. Drawing inspiration equally from Irigaray and Feuerbach, it offers a vision of God that is both feminist and humanist, a divine becoming for humanity, a sacred alliance with Nature. By presenting and analyzing the modern philosophies of Hegel, Schelling, and Merleau-Ponty, as well as such contemporary figures as John Caputo and Catherine Keller, and by drawing on unexpected, forgotten, or neglected sources such as Vedic poetry and American Mormonism and figures such as Averroes and Amalric of Bène, the book makes an original argument about God that resonates with currents in new materialism, comparative theology, and affect theory. Both speculative and mythopoetic, it is intended to forge a way forward for humanity to achieve the intersubjective and interreligious peace we all crave and deserve.

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