Food in Memory and Imagination: Space, Place And, Taste edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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Food in Memory and Imagination: Space, Place And, Taste

Space, Place And, Taste





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Libro Food in Memory and Imagination: Space, Place And, Taste

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How do we engage with food through memory and imagination? This expansive volume spans time and space to illustrate how, through food, people have engaged with the past, the future, and their alternative presents.Beth M. Forrest and Greg de St. Maurice have brought together first-class contributions, from both established and up-and-coming scholars, to consider how imagination and memory intertwine and sometimes diverge. Chapters draw on cases around the world-including Iran, Italy, Japan, Kenya, and the US-and include topics such as national identity, food insecurity, and the phenomenon of knowledge. Contributions represent a range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. This volume is a veritable feast for the contemporary food studies scholar.

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