Facial analysis in the diagnosis of orthodontic practice di Sara Camañes-Gonzalvo, Natalia Zamora-Martínez, Verónica García-Sanz edito da Our Knowledge Publishing
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Facial analysis in the diagnosis of orthodontic practice

Development and application of three-dimensional virtual reality digital educational material.





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Libro Facial analysis in the diagnosis of orthodontic practice di Sara Camañes-Gonzalvo, Natalia Zamora-Martínez, Verónica García-Sanz

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In the field of dentistry, the incorporation of digital tools and three-dimensional (3D) dental and facial analysis has revolutionized the way in which dental diagnosis and treatment planning is approached. This evolution has provided a more complete and detailed perspective of the oral and facial anatomy, which is essential for an accurate and efficient clinical practice. The integration of 3D technology into the dental curriculum has the potential to further raise the standards of excellence in dental care.The main objective addressed is to develop a protocol for the implementation of facial analysis in diagnostic orthodontic practice at the University of Valencia. This protocol will focus on maximizing the capabilities of 3D technology to improve the accuracy and efficiency of orthodontic diagnostics. By integrating these advanced tools into the academic training of students, the aim is to better prepare them to meet the challenges of a modern, precision-focused orthodontic practice.

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