Environmental and Architectural Acoustics di Z. (Environmental Acoustics Laboratory Maekawa, Jens H. (J.H. Rindel is former Professor at the T Rindel edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Environmental and Architectural Acoustics





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Descrizione Environmental and Architectural Acoustics

Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to the practice of achieving a more acceptable acoustic environment, this book draws on the same basic principles to cover both the outdoors and indoor space. It starts with the fundamentals of sound waves and hearing and goes on to the measurement of noise and vibration, room acoustics, sound absorption, airborne sound insulation and noise and vibration control. This serves as a foundation reference for students of architecture and environmental engineering, including those new to the study of acoustics. Problem-solving exercises are provided at the end of each chapter. The authors focus on techniques, methods and standards and lead into further more specialized material which makes the book useful for more advanced students and professional engineers.

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