English for medicine. A toolkit for discourse and genre-based approaches to medical language and communication. For classroom or self-study use di Girolamo Tessuto edito da Giappichelli

English for medicine. A toolkit for discourse and genre-based approaches to medical language and communication. For classroom or self-study use

Data di Pubblicazione:
20 marzo 2024




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Descrizione English for medicine. A toolkit for discourse and genre-based approaches to medical language and communication. For classroom or self-study use

English for Medicine: A toolkit for discourse and genre-based approaches to medical language and communication 2024 is the revised edition of the earlier textbook (2021). It is a far-from-ordinary, descriptive resource book for student’s use that brings together a toolkit of theory- and research-informed issues in the vast area of discourse and genre analysis relevant to English for Medical Purposes and guides readers in gradually putting theory into practice. This new edition explains how key concepts and topics of medicine and healthcare operate in clear, concise language and visual format and is complemented by Worksheets in which students find a variety of language and task-based exercises in a traditional form and genre-based approach to Medical English. As a perfect companion for students with intermediate (B) and above-level (C) English competencies, this source reference aims to non-native under/postgraduate students of Medicine and other healthcare professionals who wish to study topic areas through the medium of English.

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