English for education di Raffaella Picello edito da libreriauniversitaria.it

English for education

Data di Pubblicazione:
9 settembre 2021




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English for education di Raffaella Picello

Descrizione libro

Written for university students, trainee teachers and others interested in learning for various reasons, the textbook’s four modules offer insight into the specialist language connected to fundamental aspects of the profession.
Through carefully graded practice the first module focuses on key topics in the study of psychology, such as the functions of the human brain, memory and dreaming.
The second module helps students interpret the key concepts expressed by important thinkers from the history of educational psychology introducing a range of vocabulary from the same field of study.
The third module shifts the focus towards the learning process analysing issues such as learning methods, learning styles, motivation and self-esteem enabling students to understand academic texts and analyze complex sentences.
Finally, the last module directs particular attention to specific challenges that characterize the role of early years and primary teachers, from the multiethnic classroom to the importance of play and dealing with specific learning difficulties.
The book is complemented by a series of teaching ideas intended to ignite curiosity and find creative ways to engage young learners.1. Psychology
2. Educational psychology
3. Learning
4. Teaching
Further reading
Teaching ideas
Irregular Verb List
Answer keys

Acquista nuovo
€ 12,25 (5%)
€ 12,25 € 12,90
Risparmi: € 0,65 (5%)
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
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Consegna gratuita 19-21 febbraio
oppure ordina entro 2 ore e 55 minuti e scegli spedizione espressa per riceverlo lunedì 17 febbraio
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€ 6,45 (50%)
€ 6,45 € 12,90
Risparmi: € 6,45 (50%)
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
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