Energy policy and international competitiveness edito da Firenze University Press

Energy policy and international competitiveness

Data di Pubblicazione:
8 settembre 2009




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Libro Energy policy and international competitiveness

Descrizione libro

Maurizio Grassini is Professor of Econometrics and European Economic Integration in the "Cesare Alfieri" Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Florence, Italy. He has been a member of the Inforum group since 1980 when the first version of the Interindustry Italian Model (INTIMO) was built and became part of the Inforum system of models. Since then his research activity has been directed at implementing the Italian multisectoral model. The paramount use of this model (and the Inforum system of models) is well represented in a number of papers addressing the impact on the European Union of the Central and Eastern European enlargement which took place in the year 2004.

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