Embedded Java Security di Mourad Debbabi, Mohamed Saleh, Chamseddine Talhi, Sami Zhioua edito da Springer London
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Embedded Java Security

Security For Mobile Devices





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Descrizione Embedded Java Security

Java brings more functionality and versatility to the world of mobile devices, but it also introduces new security threats. This book is a comprehensive presentation of embedded Java security. It is compared with the security model of the Java 2 Standard Edition in order to view the impact of limited resources on security. The main components of embedded Java are also generally presented to give an idea about the platform architecture. To assess the effectiveness of the security model, an evaluation of the security features is carried out with results presented in the framework of the MEHARI method for risk analysis, and the Common Criteria methodology of security evaluation. The usefulness of this security evaluation is to point out areas that need security hardening. This book provides researchers and practitioners alike with a broader and deeper understanding of the issues involved in embedded Java security, and ¿as a larger view- mobile devices security.

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