Ebook Breaking Bad Habits: Unlock Your Inner Potential di Filipe Dan edito da Filipe Dan
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Ebook Breaking Bad Habits: Unlock Your Inner Potential


Filipe Dan



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Descrizione Ebook Breaking Bad Habits: Unlock Your Inner Potential

Breaking Bad Habits: Unlock Your Inner Potential by Filipe Dan is a powerful guide for anyone looking to break bad habits, develop healthier ones, and create a life of lasting success. Drawing on his extensive experience as a life coach and mentor, Dan provides practical advice and inspiring stories to help readers find the courage to take control of their lives and reach their full potential. From understanding the psychological roots of bad habits to developing a plan for making lasting change, Dan's inspiring and relatable approach will help you break free and create a life of purpose and freedom.

Take the first step towards a life of lasting success. Unlock your inner potential with Breaking Bad Habits: Unlock Your Inner Potential by Filipe Dan. Get your copy today and start taking control of your life!

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