Ebook “Pop-” & “Post-” di Alessia Polatti, Roberta Zanoni edito da Aras Edizioni
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Ebook “Pop-” & “Post-”



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Descrizione Ebook “Pop-” & “Post-”

This book aims at investigating the evolution of English culture and literature in the contemporary society through a Cultural Studies perspective devoted to the analysis of literary texts, pop music, TV shows and series, comics, videogames, and advertisements. The book’s approach denounces the use of arbitrary definitions in terms of class, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality in a post-modern society, as well as any kind of cultural and identity discrimination. In this context, the Cultural Studies perspective makes popular culture a liberating practice in which meaning is not imposed but continually negotiated. Similarly, the current post-modern, post-national, and post-human society creates new paradigms and forms of cultural exchange and debate.

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