Ebook Destiny is by Force not by Turn di Rufus Harmony Chijioke edito da Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook Destiny is by Force not by Turn



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Descrizione Ebook Destiny is by Force not by Turn

Success is not a function of chance; many have had multiple opportunities yet couldn’t account for it. It’s even worst to see folks who believe in luck.

Start developing capacity and stop waiting for chance. Luck is a lazy man’s excuse for not succeeding. There’s no connection anywhere between laziness and greatness.

Life is practical. Nothing just happens. If it must work, someone must work it. Stop waiting for helpers and invest in yourself so much that helpers begin to help you. Poverty respects the principles of smart work, not dangerous prayer warriors. Spirituality is no substitute for work.

Work is the channel through which we express and manifest the spiritual energies of the blessing.

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