Libro Ebook Scandal of Grace di Esther Olayemi Thomas di Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook Scandal of Grace



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Someone once said, “Don’t just respect crowns. Respect scars.” This is what the book, Scandal of Grace is about – walking you through a process of a grace so scandalous, yet unbelievably beautiful on the other side.

Grace Alexander, our main character, is wary of everyone who comes into her life, after a series of very traumatic events. She battles with the definition of her identity, and what part God is to play in her story. She navigates her teenage years with her two best friends, Claudia, and Jeremiah, until she meets Stephen.

There’s a lot of drama in Grace’s class. Her past remains a mystery until an inevitable moment of truth. Claudia holds a grudge. Grace struggles with her newfound reality, as life seems unfair.

Is there truly a God? Does happiness really exist or is it only a facade? How will Grace come to terms with the truth? How will her friends accept this change?

Join me on this journey of a teenager’s self-discovery.

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