Ebook From Altar to Abyss di Augustine Nnakwe edito da Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook From Altar to Abyss



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Augustine’s memoir, “From Altar to Abyss: My Odyssey through Faith, Drugs, and Darkness” is a powerful and inspirational account of his personal struggle and ultimate triumph over adversity. The memoir chronicles Augustine’s transformative journey from a devout Catholic seminarian to the depths of drug abuse and involvement in a cult, and finally, his triumphant return to a life of purpose and faith.

The book offers a raw and unflinching look at Augustine’s early years in the Catholic seminary, where his unwavering faith and passion for service to God were evident. However, as the pages turn, readers are taken on a harrowing descent into the grips of drug (tramadol) abuse, as Augustine found himself struggling with addiction and grappling with the demons of cultism.

Amidst the turmoil, Augustine’s path took a darker turn as he became entangled in a cult, seeking solace in what he believed to be a refuge from his inner turmoil. The book delves into the details of his involvement, shedding light on the manipulation and control that ensnared him, and the impact it had on his life and relationships.

Through Augustine’s poignant narrative, readers witness his eventual awakening and the arduous journey of breaking free from the clutches of addiction and the insidious hold of the cult. His unwavering determination and resilience come to the forefront as he embarks on a path of self-discovery, seeking redemption and a renewed sense of purpose.

“From Altar to Abyss: My Odyssey through Faith, Drugs, and Darkness” is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for transformation and renewal. Augustine’s story is one of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of faith. His journey serves as a compelling reminder that, no matter how far one may stray from the path, redemption and salvation are attainable through courage, perseverance, and the unwavering grace of God.

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