Libro Ebook Twin Destiny di Handsel Hansdion di Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook Twin Destiny



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Entee Handselo Benz Jr. falls head over heels for the stunning Amanda Summers, only to have his heart shattered when she reveals a weekend fling with Senator Don Bally. Devastated, Entee seeks comfort in the arms of the alluring Dora.

But when Amanda ends up in a coma, calling out Entee’s name, he becomes her lifeline to recovery. Facing a crucial decision between pursuing Medicine or Music, Entee turns to his unwaveringly supportive parents for guidance.

During the holidays, Entee and his pals Teddy and Billy embark on vibrant, music-filled escapades—immersing themselves in parties and nights out. Their aspirations lead them to the United States for further education, fulfilling their dreams.

Unravel the enchanting tale of romance intertwined with ’80s nostalgia in “Twin Destiny”, where the rhythmic beats of the era accentuate this captivating story.

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