Ebook Copywriting with Ease di Mary Abazuo edito da Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook Copywriting with Ease



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Descrizione Ebook Copywriting with Ease

Contrary to popular belief that Copywriting is a difficult skill to acquire, it is easy to learn and implement. After all, we are all writers.

Copywriting With Ease will take you on a journey from the introduction, to Copywriting, to emerging as a professional copywriter in no time.

“The book is everything to me. The stories there are so captivating. Copywriting with Ease is so engaging. I have not read such a detailed and well-explained piece before. I don’t need any other tutoring aside from this because I feel like I have known everything I need to know about Copywriting. It was worth reading, thank you!”, Vivian said.

Mary Abazuo educates people on becoming solid, professional, and sort-after copywriters in Copywriting With Ease as she uses exceptional examples and stories to teach her readers ensuring that after reading the book, they get massive value for their money.

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