Ebook Real Estate: Your Blueprint to Move From Struggle to Success (Real Estate Investing in Foreclosed Homes With No Money Down) di Laurel Hazlett edito da Roger Moody
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Ebook Real Estate: Your Blueprint to Move From Struggle to Success (Real Estate Investing in Foreclosed Homes With No Money Down)


Roger Moody



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Descrizione Ebook Real Estate: Your Blueprint to Move From Struggle to Success (Real Estate Investing in Foreclosed Homes With No Money Down)

This book was born of experience, not theory. The information comes from both successful and failed door-to-door real estate prospecting efforts. In these pages, you'll see how some agents make over half a million dollars a year from door knocking, and you'll see how others struggle -- giving you a chance to learn from their mistakes. You'll see how new agents got started, and how long it took them to get their first listing.
In build a successful retirement plan using real estate, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

  • How you can reduce your retirement number and retire earlier by investing in rental properties
  • Alternative ways of financing your investment property that don’t require you to make a down payment
  • When you can realistically make an offer below asking price, and still get it accepted by the seller
  • A proven investment strategy that will enable you to consistently add more rental properties, even with limited funds
Everyone believes they can earn money in the real estate market. Thus it's a trendy issue. It seems reasonable that you would desire a step-by-step strategy for investing. However, it would help if you begin somewhere. This book is written for those who know very little about the market and how it operates. Answers to your queries may be found across these pages.

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