Ebook Real Estate Investing: A Guide for Real Estate Agents and Investors (Effective Strategies for Growing Your Real Estate Business Online) di Gilbert Crouch edito da Gary W. Turner
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Ebook Real Estate Investing: A Guide for Real Estate Agents and Investors (Effective Strategies for Growing Your Real Estate Business Online)



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Descrizione Ebook Real Estate Investing: A Guide for Real Estate Agents and Investors (Effective Strategies for Growing Your Real Estate Business Online)

This book will inspire you to consider flipping real estate as your part-time hustle. I want to show you how it can be done effectively, but also make sure you know what you’re getting into. I’ll walk you through all of the steps, from finding a property to purchasing, renovating, and selling that property. Whether you want to do the renovation yourself or hire someone else to do it, this book presents the best approach to these projects.
What the book provides:

  • A guide on how to build a financial model for real estate investment properties
  • A guide on how to determine accurate assumptions for the model
  • A sample model for investment property
  • How to use various indicators from the model to make decisions on real estate investments
  • Email support from the authors regarding this book's content
Real estate is quite a controversial asset class. There are vocal proponents and even more fervent opponents. Well, that is life. To each their own, as it is said. However, real estate investments for us, private investors do not necessarily have to be small 1-bedroom rental units or studios in some shady neighborhood. There are more possible ways to invest into real estate. For example, using securities.

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