Ebook H. Poincaré’s Hypothesis’ Solution through Overcoming the Illusion of the Three-Dimensional Manifolds’ Existence and a Three-Dimensional Sphere di Dr A. Helber Vladimir edito da Europa Edizioni
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Ebook H. Poincaré’s Hypothesis’ Solution through Overcoming the Illusion of the Three-Dimensional Manifolds’ Existence and a Three-Dimensional Sphere



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Descrizione Ebook H. Poincaré’s Hypothesis’ Solution through Overcoming the Illusion of the Three-Dimensional Manifolds’ Existence and a Three-Dimensional Sphere

The book by V. Helber proves the Poincaré hypothesis without formulas and equations, advancing in its simplicity from the primary source of knowledge - the Euclidean point - to the unitary form of the existence of our universe. The author vividly reveals the unique topological property of the coherent, self-contained space of matter, which enables us not only to comprehend but also to glimpse the law of the microcosm that keeps our world from decay. The world is compact and yet infinite and eternal!     
The proof of the Poincaré hypothesis creates a method that will allow scientists to solve the remaining problems of the millennium.   

Vladimir Helber (1959) is one of the scientists whose numerous writings deal with a wholeness view of the world.  He has lived in Germany since 1991. His worldview was strongly influenced by the writings of Nicholas of Cusa, Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, German thinker, philosopher, and mathematician of the 15th century. After doctoral studies and defense of his dissertation on “Aggression in the Context of the Wholeness Problem” (2010), his milestone article was “The Unified Möbius Essence and Wholeness” (2013). He overcomes the problem of Euclid’s 5th postulate and describes a method for solving H. Poincaré hypothesis. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this article, which presents the proof of one of the challenges of the millennium. 

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