Ebook 7 Fail-proof Ways To Get Lasting Mentorship di Jason Smeichel edito da Jason Smeichel
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Ebook 7 Fail-proof Ways To Get Lasting Mentorship



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Descrizione Ebook 7 Fail-proof Ways To Get Lasting Mentorship

A mentoring relationship is a connection (usually) between a more senior employee or leader and a junior employee who may be younger, or less experienced.

Although the senior-junior mentoring relationship is what usually comes to mind when someone says “mentorship” it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the case all the time. 

The mentor-mentee relationship can take several different forms.

Mentorships are unique relationships that are most often developed in a professional atmosphere. They are designed to help the mentee learn new skills, network and become more successful in their careers.

They also provide the mentee with an opportunity to gain knowledge from a more experienced co-worker. 

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