Ebook Journal of public Finance and Public Choice n. 2-3/2007 di AA. VV. edito da Gangemi Editore

Ebook Journal of public Finance and Public Choice n. 2-3/2007



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Descrizione Ebook Journal of public Finance and Public Choice n. 2-3/2007

Contents Wallace E. Oates Remembering Richard Musgrave Gordon L. Brady The Chicago Roots of the Virginia School of Political Economy David Duffy Tax Smoothing in the Presence of the Maastricht Constraint Russell S. Sobel - Christopher J. Coyne - Peter T. Leeson The Political Economy of FEMA: Did Reorganization Matter? Guido Pellegrini - Stefania P. S. Rossi - Ornella Tarola How Regional Policies Can Affect Growth: a Macroeconometric Model for the Southern Italian Regions Reviews

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