Ebook Ketogenic Desserts Cookbook: 101 Low Carb High Fat Keto Dessert Recipes To Sweeten Your Keto Diet Mealtimes di Katherine Davis edito da Rockstream Press
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Ebook Ketogenic Desserts Cookbook: 101 Low Carb High Fat Keto Dessert Recipes To Sweeten Your Keto Diet Mealtimes



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Descrizione Ebook Ketogenic Desserts Cookbook: 101 Low Carb High Fat Keto Dessert Recipes To Sweeten Your Keto Diet Mealtimes

This book arms you with the ability to make delicious keto sweet treats that are simply irresistible.
With over 100 keto dessert recipes, every type of sweet tooth and taste preference is covered. They are fabulously easy and are made with simple ingredients. Homemade desserts can be whipped up in no time even if you are a novice in the kitchen.
The simple, easy to understand instructions help you to make desserts with minimum fuss and finish every meal on a sweet note. From stunning cheesecakes and chocolate chip cookies to creamy indulgences and fruity desserts, there is more than enough to satisfy you whenever the craving hits.
Now you can go all out to treat yourself to decadent keto desserts with a great depth of richness!


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