Day Skipper For Sail And Power di Roger Seymour, Alison Noice edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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Day Skipper For Sail And Power

The Essential Manual For The RYA Day Skipper Theory And Practical Certificate





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Libro Day Skipper For Sail And Power di Roger Seymour, Alison Noice

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The ideal reference book for anyone following the RYA Day Skipper course. With a refreshingly practical approach, illustrated throughout with clear diagrams, worked examples and colour photography, this 4th edition covers all the theory and practical aspects of the RYA Day Skipper Certificate. Fully updated in line with the syllabus, and taking in new technology and navigation techniques (such as thermal imaging and radar), developments in yacht design and multihulls, this is a clear and comprehensive manual for anyone taking the Day Skipper exam or intending to make coastal passages in a small boat, covering: - seamanship - safety equipment - preventing collisions at sea - navigation and chart work - tides and tidal streams - pilotage and passage planning - weather - engine operation and maintenance - VHF radio procedures By the same author as the highly successful Yachtmaster for Sail and Power, this lively, helpful guide is the perfect companion to the course, whether for sail or power.

€ 29,93
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