Dark Tales from the Mid-World edito da Lulu.com
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Dark Tales from the Mid-World







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Libro Dark Tales from the Mid-World

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It's the Mid-World Arts Spooky Season Spectacular! Thirty-four tales of the uncanny, the weird, the disturbing, and the silly. Ghost stories, monster mashes, vamp vignettes, spirit scares, and a whole bunch more. It's All Hallows Eve. The trick-or-treating is done. You've collected mountains of candy. Now it's time for the monster show marathon on TV! (Swing with it, youngsters. This is something we used to do.) This is that marathon. The independent artists of Mid-World Arts present to you a Harvest of Horror, a winning line-up of short "shows" and one "movie of the week" interspersed with catchy and creepy "words from our sponsors." It's a callback to The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits, and classic scary movies like The Thing from Another World and The Crawling Eye. You get the tongue-in-cheek treatment of Shaun of the Dead from the laugh-a-minute ridiculousness of My Name is Vickie and the Hammer Films homages of The Demoniacal Machinations of Dr. Daedalus Slovak and The Diabolical Plot of Count Dracula(you supply Vincent Price and Christopher Lee). You get the Creepshow vibes of Cautionary Tale and The Power of the Pen. You get the inward-looking eye of Blood on the Scarecrow and Broken In, and the large-than-life War of the Worlds vibes of Scale and B-29. There's something in here for everyone who loves horror, loves to laugh at horror, and loves to think about the darker aspects of what it is to be human. Or inhuman; we don't judge.

€ 24,98 € 26,30
Risparmi: € 1,32 (5%)
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
Normalmente disponibile in 10-12 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a € 2,90 7-11 febbraio
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