Crossing Digital Fronteras edito da State University of New York Press
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Crossing Digital Fronteras

Rehumanizing Latinx Education and Digital Humanities





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Libro Crossing Digital Fronteras

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Crossing Digital Fronteras is about liberatory possibilities and digital technologies in the classroom. The book centers critical Latinx Digital Humanities to illustrate the ways college faculty and Latinx students harness digital tools to engage in "messy" yet essential active learning and knowledge production in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Latinx Studies courses. With increasing Latinx student enrollment and a growing need for the humanities in our complex world, it is essential that HSIs and instructors integrate twenty-first-century tools into their teaching practices to truly "serve" Latinx students and communities. This book definitively inserts Latinx Digital Humanities into broader conversations about best practices at HSIs, on the one hand, and digital humanities and social justice, on the other. Most importantly, it provides practical examples of innovative, rehumanizing digital pedagogies that give students the liberatory learning they deserve.

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