A Cowrie Of Hope di Binwell Sinyangwe edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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A Cowrie Of Hope





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Libro A Cowrie Of Hope di Binwell Sinyangwe

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A Cowrie of Hope is the moving tale of a mother's pledge to give her daughter an education in 1990s Zambia. Nasula craves independence from the men around her. Offered no choice over her marriage or any power after the wedding, her husband's unexpected death is a sudden chance for liberation. Yet, under the strain of a changing and impoverished nation, Nasula struggles to provide for her family. Rising to the challenges of living as a widow in rural Zambia, Nasula sees her daughter as a symbol of hope for the next generation. Through relentless strength and determination, she promises to fight for her daughter's right to education - and a brighter future. Binwell Sinyangwe creates a beautiful story about the plight of women in late-twentieth-century Zambia, capturing a stirring tale of courage, dignity, and monumental resilience.

€ 17,01
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
Normalmente disponibile in 6-7 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a € 2,90 3-5 marzo
oppure ordina e scegli spedizione espressa per riceverlo giovedì 27 febbraio
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