The Consuming Fire, Hebrew Edition di Liane M. Feldman edito da University Of California Press
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The Consuming Fire, Hebrew Edition

The Complete Priestly Source, From Creation To The Promised Land





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Libro The Consuming Fire, Hebrew Edition di Liane M. Feldman

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"This book will challenge and delight anyone interested in ancient Israel and the Bible. Thanks to its accessible and engaging introduction and its thoughtful translation, it will also be an essential tool for teaching."--Annette Yoshiko Reed, author of Jewish-Christianity and the History of Judaism "Liane Feldman has provided students and scholars with a valuable resource for critically evaluating the Priestly Source. This volume will empower readers to draw their own conclusions."--Yitzhaq Feder, author of Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible "Feldman makes accessible a work of ancient Israelite literature that has been hiding in plain sight-one of the most important voices from the Bible, now available to everyone in all its literary and theological beauty. This book is a masterful piece of scholarship."--Joel Baden, Professor of Hebrew Bible, Yale University

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