Color Atlas Of Microsurgical Anatomy Surgical Flaps Of The Limbs di Zheng He-ping edito da People's Medical Publishing House

Color Atlas Of Microsurgical Anatomy Surgical Flaps Of The Limbs





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Libro Color Atlas Of Microsurgical Anatomy Surgical Flaps Of The Limbs di Zheng He-ping

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With a large format, carefully chosen and clear medical imagery, full-color photographs taken of fresh body specimens, and new ideas about how to explain compound bone flaps, this completely practical guide covers 95 skin, muscle, musculocutaneous and bone procedures and allied anatomic reference sections. The 34 skin flap procedures start with the scapular and proceed to the brachial, arm, forearm, hand, groin, thigh, genicular, and leg, down to the lateral foot. The 17 articles on muscle and musculocutaneous procedures include an introduction to types of blood supply for muscles, deltoid flaps, brachioradialis and flaps of the gluteus maximus, sartoris, femoral flaps, biceps, and other structures, and the 44 articles on bone flaps cover virtually every current procedure. The index is succinct and the authors provide key points, notes on applied anatomy and full call-outs for the photographs and illustrations. This is a work of art as well as medicine.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 114,16

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