The Buddha's Teachings di Ariyathushel Arahant edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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The Buddha's Teachings

A Guide to Attaining Enlightenment: A Literature Review Based on Selected Discourses from the Sutta Pitaka of the Pali Canon: A Guide to Attaining Enl





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Libro The Buddha's Teachings di Ariyathushel Arahant

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The aim of this book is to share the knowledge of Buddha's teachings with the reader. In doing so, this book seeks to explain the key themes related to enlightenment to the readers in a simple manner. In addition, I combine the theoretical knowledge from the Canon with my penetrated knowledge to provide a guide to the reader about what enlightenment is and how to attain enlightenment in a simple manner. The focus of this book is twofold. Firstly, it aims to provide an overview of what enlightenment is based on a literature review of the selected Suttas from the Sutta Pitaka of Pali Canon. Secondly, it aims to provide practical tips on how to attain enlightenment based on the insight knowledge that I gained during the process of my enlightenment experience. Overall, the book provides valuable information related to enlightenment based on Buddha's teachings.

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