The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sex and Sexuality in Game Studies edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sex and Sexuality in Game Studies





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The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sex and Sexuality in Game Studies is a large-scale assessment of the intersection of games with sexual content and their implications for sexuality and sexual behavior. This novel work in the Bloomsbury Handbook series bridges the scholarship of game studies and sexuality studies through explorations of queer theory, digital studies, fandom culture, and more. Contributors of this collection provide insight into sexual content in games, representation of various sexualities, and player experience. Together, they contribute to a growing field of work that has produced exceptional publications in the last several years concerning two, difficult to define, phenomena: the borders of sex and sexuality and video games. This edited collection is divided in to four main sections, titled Playing with Sexualities, Performing the Mechanics of Sex, When Sexual Content is a Game, and Engaging with Sex in Games.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 218,50

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