BBC Proms 2024 di BBC Proms Publications edito da Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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BBC Proms 2024





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Libro BBC Proms 2024 di BBC Proms Publications

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The BBC Proms is the world's biggest and longest-running classical music festival and one of the jewels in the crown for the BBC. Held every summer at the Royal Albert Hall in London and across the UK, it is one of the strongest brand names in the music world and attracts a glittering array of artists and orchestras from the UK and around the world. Whether you're a first-time visitor or an experienced Prommer, watching at home or listening on radio or online, the BBC Proms Guide is an excellent companion to the festival, which you can treasure and return to in years to come. Filled with concert listings and articles by leading writers, the BBC Proms Guide offers an insight into the performers and repertoire, as well as thought-provoking opinion pieces about music, musicians and music-making.

€ 13,38
Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
Normalmente disponibile in 5-6 giorni lavorativi
Consegna a € 2,90 20-24 febbraio
oppure ordina e scegli spedizione espressa per riceverlo martedì 18 febbraio
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