Adorno, Aesthetics, Dissonance: On Dialectics in Modernity di William S. Allen edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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Adorno, Aesthetics, Dissonance: On Dialectics in Modernity

On Dialectics In Modernity





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Libro Adorno, Aesthetics, Dissonance: On Dialectics in Modernity di William S. Allen

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Adorno's aesthetics are one of the most important philosophical analyses of the 20th century, but their development remains unclear. Adorno, Aesthetics, Dissonance is the first book to provide a detailed study of how Adorno's thinking of aesthetics developed and to show the different dimensions that came together to make it uniquely powerful. Principal among these dimensions are his intense interest in music and his historical and materialist approach. In addition, by studying how Adorno's aesthetics arose through interactions with different thinkers, particularly Kracauer, Horkheimer, and Schoenberg, it becomes clear that his thought changes in its relation to dialectics. As a result, Adorno's thinking comes to broaden the understanding of aesthetics to include the sphere of sensuality, and in doing so transforms both aesthetics and dialectics through a notion of dissonance, which in turn has substantial implications for the relation of his thinking to praxis.

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