Access architecture di Raffaella Picello edito da

Access architecture

An english course for university students

Data di Pubblicazione:
30 settembre 2020




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Descrizione Access architecture

With a strong focus on the reading and communication skills, Access Architecture provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the main concepts, issues, and renowned examples in British and Western architectural practice.
Each of the 10 units offers engaging introductory texts integrated by several activities and visuals aimed at improving the students’ acquisition of specific terminology in context as well as in-depth comprehension of texts ranging from B1 to C1 level of CEFR. Grammar consolidation rules and exercises are provided throughout the book.
Intended for use either in class or for self-study, this textbook covers key topics including construction principles, types of building, the design process, city planning, interior design, landscape and sustainable design. Contextually, reference is made to the latest technological developments and emerging trends.1. Introducing architecture
2. Education and careers in architecture
3. Learning from the past
4. Structure, shapes and materials
5. Buildings
6. The design process
7. City planning
8. Houses
9. Interior design
10. Architecture and the environment
Appendix. Basic Maths you should know
Phonemic chart
List of Irregular Verbs
Bibliographical references

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 16.05 € 16.90
Risparmi: € 0.85 (5%)
Disponibilità immediata
Ordina entro 17 ore e 41 minuti e scegli spedizione espressa per riceverlo lunedì 7 ottobre
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