Abundant Grace: 40 Days of Walking in the Goodness of God: A Devotional di Will Kassner, Courtney Kassner edito da INK & WILLOW
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Abundant Grace: 40 Days of Walking in the Goodness of God: A Devotional

40 Days of Walking in the Goodness of God: A Devotional





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Descrizione Abundant Grace: 40 Days of Walking in the Goodness of God: A Devotional

From the creators of Crew + Co. comes a gorgeous 40-day devotional resource that will inspire reflection and encourage Christian creatives to make Scripture reading a daily practice in their lives.Abundant Grace, the debut devotional from Crew + Co. founders Courtney and Will Kassner, invites creative believers to meditate on and engage with Scripture daily, with devotions that are accessible, beautifully designed, and deeply encouraging. Divided into three parts—Knowing God's Grace, Trusting God's Grace, and Showing God's Grace—this forty-day devotional guides you in recognizing the small moments of grace around you and teaches you how to cultivate a grace-filled perspective in even the busiest lifestyle.Each of the forty days pairs a full-color hand-lettered Bible verse with a thoughtful devotion that closes with either a prayer or a reflection question for helping you recognize how God’s grace works in your normal, everyday life.

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