Them That Believe di Ralph Hood, W. Paul Williamson edito da University of California Press
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Them That Believe

The Power and Meaning of the Christian Serpent-Handling Tradition





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"There is no competing work that matches "Them That Believe"; it is both original and stimulating. The scholarship is superior, and reflects well the 15 years the authors have worked on this project. This is an outstanding work."--Margaret Poloma, author of "Main Street Mystics: The Toronto Blessing and Reviving Pentecostalism"
"This book provides one of the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched reports on serpent handling Christians ever written. The use of multiple methodological lenses (e.g., sociology, ethnographic participant-observation, phenomenological psychology) adds a depth and richness not seen in other works. The book is very well written and arranged, and the scholarship is excellent."--Stephen Parker, author of "Led by the Spirit: Toward a Practical Theology of Pentecostal Discernment and Decision Making"

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