Gesù. Il mistero della dottrina segreta e della morte di Enrico Mancuso edito da Armando Editore

Gesù. Il mistero della dottrina segreta e della morte

Data di Pubblicazione:
1 ottobre 2006




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Descrizione Gesù. Il mistero della dottrina segreta e della morte

Per quanto la figure di Gesù giganteggi nella storia dell'umanità la sua vita e la sua morte sono ancora un mistero. Perché fu ucciso e che cosa veramente insegno? Attraverso uno studio attento dei testi si intravede l'ombra di una dottrina segreta, una serie di insegnamenti che Gesù sembra volle impartire soltanto a pochi seguaci.

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InterestingDi p. paul-6 giugno 2009

Did Jesus have a secret knowledge? Many Gospel's verses testify in favour of this thesis (for example Mark 4, 11 and John 16, 12). In this essay Enrico Mancuso, an Italian researcher, analyses this problem that is interesting and mysterious. Very few persons seem to have discovered these verses although Gospels are clear. What is the meaning of these verses? And why they are not expounded in Christian doctrine and even if ignored from people? Is it possible that under Gospels' superficial text there is another story that cast light on Jesus' life? And what is the content of this secret knowledge? In this period in witch Gospels and Jesus are used for fictions and inadequate reasons, the author examines this theme with respect and just consideration, offering to the public an interesting study about a problem that every Christian and every intellectual must consider. He thinks that Jesus' secret knowledge was connected to three grades underlined in Gospels: Baptism, Transfiguration and Reign of God. Secret knowledgment was linked to Jesus’ special medical powers. It is important to understand if these powers were only a Jesus' gift or were known in other traditions linked to ancient Egyptian doctrines or to Essenes’group or to the oral Torah, a knowledge that many think Moses received by the same God on Sinai. In these analyses it is of not secondary importance the different treatment of sexual freedom in Gospels and in Saint Paul's Writing: why this difference? And what are the real reasons of Jesus' death? Is it possible that Romans or Jew's establishments killed a pacifist who was predicating peace and love? But if Jesus was a political like many think, why Jesus and his disciples did not fight? It is believable that a character like Jesus would be arrested without fighting if he had political aims? Analysing these points the author suggest that the Jesus' death was linked to his secret knowledge that many wanted to know. Unique lack of this book is the Italian language. It does not allow a easy valuation to an English public and it is little known to Italian public dominated from Catholic Church who does not love critical analyses. Paul