Fisica dell'altro mondo. Quando scienza e fisica quantistica spiegano il paranormale di Stefano Ranucci edito da Arkadia
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Fisica dell'altro mondo. Quando scienza e fisica quantistica spiegano il paranormale



Data di Pubblicazione:
29 novembre 2016




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Descrizione Fisica dell'altro mondo. Quando scienza e fisica quantistica spiegano il paranormale

Esistono i fantasmi? Il mondo del paranormale può essere indagato o si tratta solo di un'illusione proiettata dalla mente umana? Si può provare scientificamente l'esistenza dell'Aldilà? Quali sono i metodi, le ricerche, i parametri che conducono a capire qualcosa che va oltre la normale percezione? Un saggio di carattere divulgativo e ben documentato che conduce il lettore nel mondo del "paranormale", fenomeno interpretato alla luce di nuove scoperte e, soprattutto, dell'apporto dato negli ultimi decenni dalla fisica quantistica. Attraverso la disamina dei materiali raccolti in anni di indagini sul campo, grazie allo studio sistematico della letteratura esistente sul fenomeno, l'autore mantiene un punto di vista obiettivo e qualificato, cercando di trovare le risposte alle domande che l'uomo si porta dietro dalle origini: dove andiamo dopo la morte? Esiste qualcosa oltre il trapasso?

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Paranormal supported by Einstein, quantum gravity Di B. Rodney-29 marzo 2023

This book is accurate and highly recommended. There must indeed be life after death (ghosts) , ESP, and all the other paranormal phenomena. According to Special Relativity, experiments are overrated by modern science since the truths revealed by experimentation are necessarily restricted to one frame of reference. Regarding the question of length contraction in Special Relativity - Einstein wrote in 1911 that &34; It doesn&39; t &39; really&39; exist, in so far as it doesn&39; t exist for a co-moving observer; though it &39; really&39; exists, i. E. In such a way that it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer. &34; (1) Demonstration &34; in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer&34; is the same meaning as &34; demonstration by experiments performed by scientists not moving at the speed of light&34. Now relate the previous paragraph to this quote - While an observer stationary with respect to an electric charge will see it as a source of electric field only, a second observer moving relative to the first will see the same charge as a source of both electric and magnetic fields in a way dictated by special relativity. (2) The observer stationary with respect to an electric charge is co-moving with the charge and does not see electric-magnetic duality but only an electric field. Non-comoving scientific experiments detect not only length contraction but also electric-magnetic duality (the presence of both electric and magnetic fields, or the propagation of electromagnetic waves by an electric field producing a magnetic field which produces an electric field) . This cycle keeps repeating. The equations of 19th-century Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell predict the existence of waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that travel through empty space, and suggest this type of propagation. But according to this review, saying light travels is merely convenience, like saying the sun rises and sets when we know Earth is rotating. If we shift our understanding of the universe from one based on experiment to one in which observers and objective reality are unitedentangled (one in which were in harmony with the universe and therefore co-moving with it) , electric-magnetic duality would no longer be perceived. It would then be better to say, particles (photons) of light and microwaves etc, that travel through space-time would have relatively little movement themselves. Its the disturbances from the sources of electromagnetism or gravitation (anything from vibrating atoms to colliding black holes) that travel. As disturbances travelreflectrefractare absorbed etc, they excite the pre-existing photons and gravitons that fill space-time and matter and mass to fluctuating amplitudes and frequencies, creating gravitational waves and the different electromagnetic waves. If there is little movement of photons and gravitons, the universe could not be expanding (or contracting) but its space and time is static. The Big Bang has impressive points leading to the idea that its a necessary stepping-stone. For example, the Big Bangs supposed origin from quantum fluctuations is reminiscent of bits switching between 1 and 0. Non-comoving scientists also provide the information that mass is different from space-time. If comprehension of the universe undergoes a paradigm shift that enables us to co-move with it and be in tune with its unification, mass of both energys bosons (including the Higgs plus those of the strong and weak nuclear forces) and matters fermions will be seen as a product of spacetime - of interaction between its electromagnetism and gravitation. Then, in addition to electric-magnetic duality not existing, the unification of all things in space and time means wave-particle duality would not exist in all frames of reference. It would only exist for a non-comoving observer: it could be demonstrated by experiments performed by scientists not moving at the speed of light&34. Quantum Gravity Demands That Science And The Paranormal Coexist If wave-particle duality has no existence beyond our experiments and mathematics, everything in spacetime (including science and including the paranormal) would be united into one thing (a theory of Quantum Gravity - the fusion of Quantum mechanics with general relativity, Einsteins theory of Gravity) . Our science, nonfiction, fiction - and paranormal things like ESP, UFOs, ghosts, astrology - are all interacting parts of the one thing (this cosmos of space-time) - but we might never discover that by using experiments or bodily senses, which both incorrectly tell us how separated all things are.