The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann di Gerhart Hauptmann edito da Books LLC, Reference Series

The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann





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Descrizione The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann

Excerpt: ...then bows, with a strained smile. In a low voice. Certainly, of course I understand. I have seen this coming. It is my wish too. Goes out. DREISSIGER Rudely. As soon as possible then, please. We require the room. MRS. DREISSIGER William, William! DREISSIGER Have you lost your senses, Rosa, that you're taking the part of a man who defends a low, blackguardly libel like that song? MRS. DREISSIGER But, William, he didn't defend it. DREISSIGER Mr. Kittelhaus, did he defend it or did he not? KITTELHAUS His youth must be his excuse, Mr. Dreissiger. MRS. KITTELHAUS I can't understand it. The young man comes of such a good, respectable family. His father held a public appointment for forty years, without a breath on his reputation. His mother was overjoyed at his getting this good situation here. And now ... he himself shows so little appreciation of it. PFEIFER Suddenly opens the door leading from the hall and shouts in. Mr. Dreissiger, Mr. Dreissiger! they've got him! Will you come, please? They've caught one of 'em. DREISSIGER Hastily. Has some one gone for the police? PFEIFER The superintendent's on his way upstairs. DREISSIGER At the door. Glad to see you, sir. We want you here. KITTELHAUS makes signs to the ladies that it will be better for them to retire. He, his wife, and MRS. DREISSIGER disappear into the drawing-room. DREISSIGER Exasperated, to the POLICE SUPERINTENDENT, who has now entered. I have at last had one of the ringleaders seized by my dyers. I could stand it no longer-their insolence was beyond all bounds-quite unbearable. I have visitors in my house, and these blackguards dare to.... They insult my wife whenever she shows herself; my boys' lives are not safe. My visitors run the risk of being jostled and cuffed. Is it possible that in a well-ordered community incessant public insult offered to unoffending people like myself and my family should pass unpunished? If so ... then ... then I must confess that I have other ideas of law...

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