Cross Cultural Awareness and Social Justice in Counseling di Cyrus Marcellus (Governors State University Ellis, Jon Carlson edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Cross Cultural Awareness and Social Justice in Counseling





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Ellis and Carlson have brought together some of the leaders in the field of multicultural counseling to create a text for mental health professionals that not only addresses diversity but also emphasizes the counselor's role as an advocate of social justice. The theoretical foundation for this book rests on research into diversity, spirituality, religion, and color-specific issues. Issues that enter into the counselor-patient relationship are discussed in detail for several different groups, with the hope that this will lead to a greater understanding and sensitivity on the part of the counselor for their patients. This is an important and timely book for both counselors-in-training and those already established as professionals in today's highly diverse and constantly-changing society.

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