Answer Key For Linguistics di Fromkin edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Answer Key For Linguistics

An Introduction To Linguistic Theory





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Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory is a textbook, written for introductory courses in linguistic theory for undergraduate linguistics majors and first-year graduate students. Twelve major figures in the field bring their expertise to each of the core areas of the field - morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, and language acquisition. In each section the book is concerned with discussing the underlying principles common to all languages, showing how these are revealed in language acquisition and in the specific grammars of the world's languages. Theoretical concepts are introduced through the analysis of a wide set of language data from Arabic to Zulu. The student will learn how to "do" linguistics by working through real linguistic data. Each section explains how to define and solve a problem; organizes the data into paradigms revealing the structured patterns in the data; formulates generalizations based on these patterns; proposes rules or principles to account for the generalization; seeks independent evidence in its argument for the proposed theoretical construct.

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